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Pocket Constitution The Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and Amendments to the Constitution The Constitution at your fingertips Introduction by Tobias A. Dorsey Extras:. Legislative Process Flowchart.

Tips for Contacting Your Members of Congress. Significant Dates. Index.

Aug 17, 2016 - This popular offer is back! Get a free pocket edition of the Constitution of the United States of America valued at $5 from the American Civil. The United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence Text, Videos, and Other Resources TCNConst.com PocketConst.com. A free download of our Pocket Constitution is available on Scribd. Sold in sets of 25 copies and single copies.

Gettysburg Address (Bliss copy) All in a handy pocket-sized booklet. Previous buyers include law firms, teachers, colleges, high schools, youth groups, churches, civic organizations, NGOs, associations, cities and muncipalities, embassies, radio program hosts, courts, large and small businesses, and individuals.

Our Pocket Constitution is available for purchase as a single copy and in multiples of 25 copies. Teachers: See for funding ideas FREE Shipping - Tracking Number sent by email after order is processed. Single copy 2015, 56 pages Softcover pamphlet 3.25 x 6.5 inches, 1.2 ounces each Printed in the USA. ISBN 10: ISBN 13: 9781 Item 1787 Sold as SINGLE copy (An order of 1 = 1 copy, an order of 2 = 2 copies, an order of 3 = 3 copies, etc.) FREE Shipping - Tracking number sent after order prcessed. If you want to pay by check, please complete our and mail completed form with check to PO Box on. Order a SINGLE copy online using a credit card or PayPal: 1 order = 1 copy: $5 2 orders = 2 copies: $10 ($5 each) 3 orders = 3 copies: $15 ($5 each) 4 orders = 4 copies: $20 ($5 each) 5 orders = 5 copies: $25 ($5 each) eBook ISBN: Sets of 25 copies 2015, 56 pages Softcover pamphlet 3.25 x 6.5 inches, 1.2 ounces each Printed in the USA.

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Free copy with and from our web site. SPECIAL OFFER Get 3 audio courses and FREE shipping ' ' a Three-Course series on CD (includes course materials in PDF on CD).

CD158733089X Buy all three (3) Capitol Learning Audio Courses on audio CD. Total run time: 283 minutes. MP3 format plays in all CD/DVD drives and many CD players. (Includes course materials in PDF on CD.) Includes 25 copies of the Pocket Constitution, plus FREE shipping. $87 This Special Offer applies only to the CD version of this three-course audio course series. Also see. More Information By Tobias A.

Dorsey What you hold in your hands includes America's fundamental legal document-the Constitution of the United States. We celebrate it each year on Constitution Day, September 17, the anniversary of the date in 1787 on which it was signed. In a sense, though, we celebrate it every day of the year.

On any given day a lawmaker, judge, or executive officer-at the federal level or in the states-may be taking an oath to support it. Every single day, in Washington and across the country, people draft bills, make policies, and take actions with the Constitution very much in mind. Whatever it is they want to do, they need to know if it is legal and legitimate-that is, if it is constitutional.

Does the government have the power to do it? Even so, does it violate separation of powers or state sovereignty or individual rights? Those questions must always be asked, and the search for answers must always begin here, in the constitutional text. It doesn't hold all the answers, of course-nor can it. We have shelf upon shelf of legal opinions and still do not have all the answers.

The text is not short enough to memorize, but it's plenty short enough to read-and reading it is exactly what you should do. Not just once, either.

Read it, set it aside, come back to it, read it again. Each time, you might learn something new. It doesn't take long before you come across something that will furrow your brow. The first thing you may notice is the archaic colonial style, with all those capital letters and British spellings. If you're a drafter by trade or just a stickler by nature, you might notice technical and stylistic oddities, like the difference in the use of periods between 'SECTION.

In the main body of the Constitution and 'SECTION 1.' In the Amendments. And then, a mere 170 words or so in, just as you're feeling virtuous and gaining momentum, you stumble across a phrase like 'three fifths of all other Persons'-the census measure of a slave-and it brings you to a stop. There it is, even now; but you might read it again to be sure.

Funny thing about the Constitution: we never take anything out of it. We strike words from federal statutes all the time, but we change the Constitution in only one way, by adding new words at the end.

So in 1868 we tacked on the Fourteenth Amendment and that 'three fifths' rule was abolished. But the words are still there on the books, as immortal as they are obsolete. We do this overriding-by-tacking-on more than you might think-27 times in all. We added 10 amendments in 1791 and we've added another new amendment every 12 years or so, on average. The last change was ratified in 1992, so we seem to be in a bit of a dry spell, but we're not anywhere near the longest gap between amendments.

It was 61 years between ratification of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804 and the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865. There are six other amendments that have been submitted to the states but never ratified. And many other proposed amendments are introduced in every Congress. (Drafting a proposed constitutional amendment may seem like pretty lofty work, until you've done it a dozen times or more.) Some parts of the Constitution we know almost by heart. We expect to find mention of the Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court-and indeed we do find them. Freedom of speech and the right to a jury trial-yes, there they are.

And yet many things we take for granted are missing. The Constitution tells us about the President's State of the Union message, for example, but it doesn't tell us how many Justices are on the Supreme Court.

There are many other things that we might expect to find in the Constitution but never do. We can search in vain for a clause that captures a principle like 'checks and balances' or 'separation of church and state' or 'one man, one vote'. Download pes 2013 full crack fshare. Nowhere does it mention political parties or national parks or innocent until proven guilty. And yet what we do find are a great many other words that we had no idea were there. Letters of Marque and Reprisal?

Corruption of Blood? Some parts of the Constitution may seem rather odd. There are clauses here that weren't covered by Schoolhouse Rock or civics class or law school.

And yet many of these clauses are enormously important, even today. You may not be familiar with the Recommendations Clause or the Appointments Clause, but they routinely arise at the White House and on Capitol Hill. And there are many other clauses to consider, many of which you may not have learned-yet. The Supreme Court has held many acts of Congress unconstitutional over the years, and has relied on many different clauses: the Presentment Clause, the Export Clause, the Compensation Clause, the Bill of Attainder Clause, the Elections Clause, and the Copyright Clause, to name just a few. All of those clauses are here-to be read, and pondered, and read again. To be skimmed or quoted, but also to be carefully parsed, word by word, perhaps even comma by comma.

The way it's always been done, ever since 1789, day by day, Congress by Congress, generation by generation. Isn't it time you joined in? Dorsey is the author of the. Inside Front Cover and Title Page Page 5 and Page 13 Each page is 3.25 inches wide x 6.5 inches tall. Page 33 and Page 34 Preview Table of Contents Legislative Process Flowchart Tips for Contacting Your Members of Congress Introduction, by Tobias A. Dorsey, author of The Declaration of Independence The Constitution of the United States The Bill of Rights Amendments XI - XXVII Significant Dates Index Gettysburg Address Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States. 'While many had a hand in this process, it was New York lawyer and future American politician and diplomat (1752-1816) who actually took on the task of penning the Constitution, putting into prose the resolutions reached by the convention.


Morris had the considerable help of the records that (1751-1836) of Virginia had kept as he managed the debates among the delegates and suggested compromises. In that capacity and in that he designed the system of checks and balances among the legislative (Congress), the executive (the president of the United States), and the judicial (Supreme Court), Madison had considerable influence on the document's language, quite rightfully earning him the designation 'father of the constitution.'

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Capitol Switchboard - 202-224-3121. See our list of the. You can also usethe search form below: Search for a Biography of a Member of Congress (1774 - Present) Enter desired criteria and click Search.


America's best-selling Pocket Constitution Book 'The U.S. Constitution & Fascinating Facts About It' is now available on the App Store for iPhone and iPod touch. Constitution & Fascinating Facts About It' you'll see the entire text of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence - and much more! You'll find interesting insights into the men who wrote the Constitution, how it was created, and how the Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution in the two centuries since its creation.

See What's Inside The main screen lets you search the contents of the app and gives quick access to each of the main sections:. U.S. Constitution and other historic documents. Founding Fathers. Fascinating Facts. U.S. Supreme Court The app includes these important historic documents (and fascinating facts about them):.

U.S. Constitution including the Amendments and the signers. Articles of the Confederation. Declaration of Independence. Glossary Tap on links to read definitions and get access to the glossary.

And use the menu bar for easy access to the main areas of the app no matter where you are. Constitution (full text). Dates to Remember. Preamble.

Pocket Us Constitution Free Download

Articles I-VII Amendments. Overview. The Bill of Rights. Amendments to the Constitution. Amendments proposed but never ratified Articles of Confederation.

Dates to Remember. Overview. John Hanson (America's First President).

The Articles Of Confederation (full text) Declaration of Independence (full text) Founding Fathers. Overview. Fascinating Facts About the Founding Fathers U.S. Supreme Court. A Supreme Court Case: How it happens. 20 Landmark Cases in Supreme Court history. Supreme Court Justices Fascinating Facts.

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U.S. Constitution. Declaration of Independence. Founding Fathers. Supreme Court Glossary.

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