Shining Hearts Wiki Episode List


Jan 27, 2016 - 1.1 Episode 1: The Crimson Blades; 1.2 Episode 2: Shadow of the Fomor; 1.3 Episode 3: Piercing the Crescent Moon; 1.4 Episode 4: King of. Flurry Heart, also called Baby Flurry Heart or Princess Flurry Heart, is an Alicorn foal and the newborn daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.She is first indirectly mentioned in the season five episode The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, and she makes her physical debut in the season six premiere.

Synopsis One day, a mysterious girl named Kaguya was washed ashore the island of Wyndaria after a great storm. She encounters Rick, a swordsman who wound up working at the island's bakery.

Apparently, Kaguya is suffering from having lost her memories and emotions. In addition, the usually peaceful Wyndaria is now swarming with pirates who came seeking for the special spirit stone that is worn around Kaguya's neck. Knowing the situation, Rick and his co-workers, Nellis, Amyl, and Aerie decided to bring back peace to island and help Kaguya regain her lost memories and emotions. (Source: Wikipedia). Overall 5 Story 5 Animation 6 Sound 6 Character 4 Enjoyment 5 'Quod Subigo Farinam' - Terry Pratchett (Feet of Clay, 1996) Once upon a time Sega were a powerhouse of the videogames world, but these days they appear to have lost much of their former glory - mainly because their most visible releases are little more than revisions of Sonic the Hedgehog. Fortunately the blue rodent isn't the only weapon in Sega's arsenal, and the company have a plethora of titles just waiting to be rereleased or resurrected (Phantasy Star, Rolling Thunder, Kid Chameleon, Strider, Afterburner, Space Harrier, Daytona, Panzer Dragoon, Sakura Taisen, Wonder Boy, Alex Kidd, and many others).

There are even a few rare ones that fans would love to see completed (Dear Sega, Please finish Shenmue. Thanking you in advance). In addition to their massive back catalogue of games, Sega also own a role-playing franchise that is quite possibly the largest and most diverse in the genre - the Shining series (and before all the fans have a collective apoplexy, according to Nintendo there are only eighteen official Zelda titles).

The first game - Shining in the Darkness - was a straightforward dungeon crawler that appeared on the Megadrive/Genesis back in 1991. Subsequent additions to the franchise ventured into the realms of turn-based strategy, tactical role-playing, third-person action/adventure, and even first-person RPG - and repeatedly demonstrated Sega's desire to experiment with the fantasy genre. Since that time the series has proven to be extremely popular in various parts of the world, and the release of the 30th title - Shining Blade on the Playstation Portable - only serves to highlight the strength of the franchise. With such a history behind it, what could possibly go wrong with an anime adaptation of the 29th game - Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan. Set on the quaint little island of Wyndaria, the story follows the deeds of Rick - a handsome amnesiac castaway who now works at the island's bakery alongside the three young ladies who appear to own the business - Airy Ardet, Neris Filiam and Amil Manaflare. Everything is peaceful as Rick learns how to heroically knead the dough in order to bake loaves of manliness, croissants of courage, baguettes of bravery, and other such things on his journey to make the titular 'Bread of Happiness'.

Unfortunately the arrival of another castaway called Kaguya throws his world into the mixing bowl and forgets to add any sort of raising agent. There are many varieties of bread in the world, and some of them are quite tasty in their own right. Shining Hearts is, unfortunately, nothing more than a mass-produced white loaf that's in dire need of a little bit of cheese or some kind of filling in order to make it palatable. The formulaic plot is made up of basic storytelling ingredients that appear to have been added using a shovel as a measuring cup, and the resulting narrative tends to fall apart - even though the writers have struggled to mix everything together before getting baked. The first half of the series is little more than a glorified meet-and-greet as Rick and his female companions find themselves in the middle of several rather placid adventures that all seem to be resolved using bread - and no, they don't hit each other with baguettes (more's the pity). The storyline does show some improvements during the latter half of the show, but by that point there's simply not enough broadcast time to offer the answers to some important questions (i.e. What is the Island of Wyndaria?

Why am I watching a fantasy adventure about bread? This results in a string of important storyline events occurring one after another as the show tries to cram as much as possible into the narrative in order to tie up various loose ends. Shining Hearts is filled with all manner of quaint buildings and pastoral scenes that highlight the rural nature of the island, but while everything looks pleasant enough, there's a distinct lack of imagination on display. The problem lies in the fact that this is an adaptation of a fantasy JRPG - and in many cases these games will feature towns and villages that have a certain. Continental flavour to them. No-one seems to fully understand why, but for some reason there's a tendency amongst developers to assume that all fantasy adventure games take place somewhere in Europe (e.g.

Shining Hearts Episode 1

Sword Art Online, Tears to Tiara,.Hack//, Ragnarok, Druaga no Tou, etc). When it comes to animation things are a little more muddled as there's a surprising blandness that permeates a number of scenes - even though the quality is generally pretty decent for the majority of the show. Part of the reason for this is the character animation and the tendency to rely on stereotypical behaviour patterns in order to make specific female roles more appealing to a certain audience. This mentality lies at the heart of the character design as well, and aside from a few minor modifications, everyone looks much the same as they do in the game - but that's nothing to be proud of as pointy chins and almond-shaped faces are the order of the day. Which brings up an interesting point about the aims of the producers - but more on that in a bit. The opening sequence features a track called 'Jisei-kai Toki Sekai' sung by Aizawa Mai (Neris), Itou Kanae (Amil), and Mikami Shiori (Airy) - alongside some tourist-friendly images of Wyndaria and the seas around it, scenes where the lead characters run in a group or gaze heroically off into the distance, birds flying, and the obligatory bread shots. It's a fairly typical beginning that ticks many of the boxes in the 'How to Make an Anime OP' handbook, and the ending is no better.

The closing sequence features lots of background bread in different shapes and sizes, and the three lead actresses perform 'Fuwafuwa no Mahou' while their respective characters pose and dance in a manner that is designed to pander to fans with a tendency to shout 'kawaii!' At anything female, humanoid and vaguely attractive. Shining Hearts features some diverse and well-crafted audio effects, but their usage is hampered by repeated issues with timing, choreography and intensity. The background music - a mixture of light-hearted fluff pieces, medieval-inspired ditties and dramatic/serious melodies - is more subtle than one might expect, but several scenes can have an odd feeling to them because of the style and composition of the tracks on offer. In addition to this the script is fairly bland and doesn't appear to have taxed any of the voice actors - which has resulted in the dialogue being delivered in a rather banal style that is typical of many shounen anime where action scenes involve lots of shouting and pouting.

Shining Hearts Wiki Episode List

Sadly this workaday attitude extends to the characters themselves - many of whom are little more than eye-candy that moves around and does. The reason for this is the lack of any real conviction where relationships are concerned - which is basically what happens when someone decides to remove a major familial bond without thinking it through or replacing it with something equally important. In addition to this the speed of the narrative appears to have caused the producers to ignore or forget the purpose of supporting characters, and because of this the lead roles are severely under-developed for a show of this type. Which brings us back to the aims of the producers - a factor that is closely tied into the design of the characters.

In a very real sense any visual media is similar to food in that the first bite is with the eye, and many people will make a snap-judgement about something based solely on how it looks. This is the reason why games developers are often quick to capitalise on popular trends - especially those that are rooted in otaku or geek culture - and the most common is to utilise the talents of well-known artists - some of whom have made their names in hentai or eroge. Unfortunately this approach does not guarantee success as titles that rely on the marketability of the lead designer are often aimed at specific audiences - and even though there may be lucrative merchandising opportunities, the lack of publicity will severely affect the popularity of a game. In the case of Sega's primary RPG franchise, Shining Hearts is the third of four titles that feature the talents of popular eroge artist Tony Taka - and therein lies the problem with the anime.

Like many adaptations the producers have simply regurgitated the character designs from the source material, but in this case that means that the lead female roles consist of a buxom tavern maid, a busty milk maid and a sexy nun - all of whom apparently work as bakers. Add to that a supporting cast of female characters who are little more than walking merchandising opportunities and it becomes obvious that this is simply an attempt to capitalise on the popularity of the franchise, and to a lesser degree the artist. The sad thing is that even though the story that lacked the depth of other food-based shows (Yakitate Japan! For example - and that's saying something), Shining Hearts still had potential if the adaptation had run for longer and been more true to the game. Unfortunately the titular 'Bread of Happiness is nowhere to be found, and viewers are left with nothing but a bitter selection of inane details that would be right at home in any middle-class anime fan's conversation book. Bread isn't famous for its peacemaking abilities. Cake would have been an understandable alternative (unless the story is about the French Revolution).

Everybody loves parfait. Overall 5 Story 4 Animation 10 Sound 7 Character 6 Enjoyment 7 Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan seems to suffer from an identity crisis much like its protagonist, initially starting off as a serene slice of life about bread making and ending up as a fantastical action anime. Ultimately, although it executes both sections well, this change alienates both the viewers who wanted action and those that wanted a charming Aria-esque show.

There's one thing you can't deny about the show, and that is the high quality art and animation. It's incredibly consistent, the characters faces and the beautiful scenery remain brilliant throughout, and I doubt you'll see food look so delicious in anime for some time. The animation was clean and precise, there were no sloppy errors and only a couple of scenes where they had obviously saved on budget.

The soundtrack is just like that of an RPG game which I thought was nice as it displayed the roots of the anime, and there were one or two tracks that were particularly good, overall it's a bit generic but it's enjoyably and compliments the series effectively. The voice acting is strong, although I doubt the Seiyuu were stretched much in their roles. The OP is fairly nice but forgettable, however the ED is incredibly catchy and by the end I found I knew the words and the dance far too well. The characters have the traits you'd expect from a slice of life show, and cover the fantastical range of Dwarves, Elves, Witches and Furries that you'd expect of a fantasy RPG.

The side characters are likable and it's a shame that you see some of them for only one or two episodes, a consequence of the fact it's based on a game. Onto the main characters, the trio of girls are perfectly pure and cleanse your soul, making you feel slightly better about life. Rick the protagonist is initially just as innocent as the rest of them, however he receives development during the series and becomes a more complicated individual, although he is still rather plain.

This brings me to the story, if you want to watch it for the action, then don't, because there is a distinct lack of it and so the series is unlikely to please you. If you want to watch it only for the pleasant slice of life, then you'll be happy for the most of the show, but won't be at the end. This is the problem with the show, it's tried to please both demographics but has ended up letting down both. If you like both action and slice of life then you'll have less of a problem, and to the show's credit it does build up to the action well throughout, creating a sense of mystery and intrigue, but in the end I would have preferred it to be a simple slice of life the whole way through, even if it had to deviate from the story of the game it was based on. It's because the slice of life was done so brilliantly, it was relaxing and almost therapeutic, the characters as I've mentioned were nice and all lent themselves to the experience perfectly. Nothing much happens, they may go to a nearby castle to deliver bread to the tsundere loli witch who's trying to make the perfect ice-cream, they may visit the elves or go reef diving for treasure, it doesn't matter, you may complain of a lack of plot but that's all a delightful show like this needs. It didn't need an aim, it just needed to provide a pleasing experience every week, which is why I feel the plot introduced at the end was unnecessary.

The whole of Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan feels like a prologue, at the conclusion of the series you'll wonder where everything and everyone went from there, and it's a pity because I think a second season is unlikely, and you'll want to see many of the characters again. Overall I thought the first half was excellent at being a heart-warming experience about four pure people making bread, and if you enjoyed Aria, I'd say this was worth a look, even if the show eventually loses sight of what it was good at. Overall 3 Story 2 Animation 8 Sound 2 Character 2 Enjoyment 2 I write this to you as a fellow anime fan; a comrade who you can trust. Someone who only wants to save you from the fresh hell that is this anime.

And never look back. Usually a show has SOMETHING to offer, whether it be by way of characters, plot, fan service, or other devices.

Shining Hearts' one forte is the ability to lull you into a deep sleep, one which you wish never to wake from. Story - 2 What story? They bake bread, offer no foreshadowing, then fart out a deus ex machina ending and treat it as a special twist. It is a half-baked attempt to knead some plot into a stale series. All puns aside, the story is trying to be both a battle fantasy and a slice-of-life-harem. It focuses on one throughout 90% of the series and snatches away what could have been some modicum of a satisfying slice-of-life-harem conclusion and replaces it with the most terribly written battle sequence ever produced.

If you're going to have the story focus on romance the entire time, BATTLES AND FURY does not a good ending make. Art - 8 Character designs by Tony?

Decent production quality all around, but a sexy looking turd is still a turd. Sound - 2 No memorable tracks, and by god the ending is scary to watch. Characters - 2 Picture a blob; a peach colored gelatinous ball of goop. Now imagine this blob growing three heads; one blonde, and two brunettes. You've successfully imagined the three main heroines of this story! They are a perfect match for the main character because all four of them share one thing in common! Can you guess what it is?

They're all characters with no personality! Rick, in his infinite sadness, spends his days contemplating the meaning of bread while commanding his three mindless sheep to run the shop.

And the sheep do exactly that. What, were you expecting character development? Or even characters to begin with? Shame on you. Enjoyment On a scale from 'Oh god my insides feel like they're being incinerated in a sea of napalm, kill me - KILL ME NOW' to 'It was aight yo' I'd have to say its at about a 'Oh god my insides feel like they're being incinerated in a sea of napalm, kill me - KILL ME NOW' Overall - 3 By the powers vested in me as a fellow peer and anime watcher, I sentence the plot to be improved by a grade schooler. I sentence the character designs to be the source of many doujinshi.

I sentence all copies of the OST to be delivered to Beethoven so he - and only he - can listen to them. I sentence the characters back to their childhoods in hopes that whatever stopped them from having a personality doesn't occur again. Finally, I sentence that the show and all it's merchandise be cursed by blackbeard and cast into the endless sea in hopes that none shall ever be taken by its evil clutches ever again. Overall 6 Story 5 Animation 9 Sound 0 Character 7 Enjoyment 6 It's abouuut BBB- BBBB- BUUUHHH- BREEEADDDDDD YES I SAID IT RIGHT! (Now all bread-lovers and bakers can jump up for joy cos this anime makes pastry Light up your life!) Now the story's about BREAD! That's all its about!

Awkwardly forcing myself to watch this. For the girls of course.

Neegghh-blegh Frankly I thought there would be more romance, but unfortunately the love seems to revolve around the bread that the protagonists (and his lovely girls) make! Now the first episode pretty much sums up the whole story; allow me to explain myself why it does.Protagonist: Bread maker, wakes up to make bread. Girls love protagonist (obviously), Girls love bread. Girls deliver bread and spread the love. Hence: Bread = Love -Finds a hurt cuddly creature, gives bread to eat.

Creature heals! And is filled with bread joy! Hence: Bread = Awesome Healing power -Serious unsocial elf lurks and shoos them out of forest.Protagonist attempts tries to make good relations with elf and offers bread; Bread denied.

Protagonist finds another hot elf, and her tummy rumbles. Gives her bread, and a connection is made! Hence: Bread = Persuasion Power -Trouble brews with upcoming storm.

Protagonist and girls gets ready for it; makes more bread than ever and spreads news to villagers of the impending doom. Stocks up on breads to survive storm. Hence: Bread = Survival -Least but not least. The ending song oo' MORE BREEAADDD!

Next → The third season of the anime series, titled Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S ( 美少女戦士セーラームーン S ( スーパー ), Bishōjo Senshi Sērā Mūn Sūpā), was produced by and directed. It began broadcasting on TV Asahi on March 19, 1994, and ended on February 25, 1995. Like the rest of the series, it adapts the manga series by and follows the adventures of and her friends.

In 2000, licensed the season for an unedited English-language broadcast in North America. Continued to dub the series. The series aired on, who adjusted the episode numbers to match those of the original Japanese version, from June 12, 2000 to August 1, 2000.

Edited and unedited videotapes as well as uncut bilingual DVDs of their adaptation were released. In contrast to 's dub of the first two seasons, Cloverway retained the background music and sound effects from the original Japanese version. Eventually, in 2014, licensed the series from for an uncut release, and released the first part of the season on November 15, 2016 and the second part on June 20, 2017. While Sailor Moon S began very similarly to the first two seasons, Sailor Moon S eventually took a darker, more emotional turn. One of the controversies surrounding Sailor Moon S is in the romantic-lesbian relationship of and, who are subtly depicted as romantic lovers, although this is never mentioned directly. Takeuchi has openly admitted they are a romantic couple, and their voice actresses were instructed to play the characters 'as if they are a married romantic couple.' However, because of differing cultural standards, most countries outside Japan, excluding Greece, Germany, Sweden, Spain and Mexico, have censored the relationship.

Alternatively, in the Cloverway/Optimum English-dubbed version, this subtext was made more taboo by way of portraying Neptune and Uranus as biological cousins who were involved in a romantic relationship with each other. The /Viz Media English-language ReDub preserves the subtext of the original material. In the 1995 favorite episode polls for, 'Death of Uranus and Neptune!? Talismans Appear' came in first place, 'The Bond of Destiny! The Distant Days of Uranus' came in eighth place, and 'The Labyrinth of Water! Ami the Targeted' came in ninth place. The following year, 'A Bright Shooting Star!

Saturn, and the Messiah' came in fifteenth place. Three pieces of used: one opening theme and two ending themes. The opening theme, an updated version of 'Moonlight Densetsu' is performed by Moon Lips. The first ending theme, used for the first two episodes, is 'Otome no Policy' performed by Yoko Ishida. The second ending theme, used for the remainder of the season, is 'Tuxedo Mirage' performed by Peach Hips, a group consisting of,. Cloverway used the English-language version of 'Moonlight Densetsu' first commissioned for 's dub of the first season and R for their adaptation.

Episode list (1994–1995) No. Cloverway inc.

Dub title Original Japanese and Viz Media titles Episode director(s) Writer(s) Art director(s) Animation director(s) Original airdate English airdate (United States) 90 'Star Struck, Bad Luck' 'Premonition of the Apocalypse: The Mysterious New Guardians Appear' ' Chikyū hōkai no yokan? Nazo no shin Senshi shutsugen' (地球崩壊の予感?謎の新戦士出現) Junichi Sato Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Andō March 19, 1994 ( 1994-03-19) June 12, 2000 After experiencing apocalyptic visions, Rei is attacked by a powerful monster called a Daimon that Sailor Moon is unable to fight after it disables her brooch, reversing her transformation.

The Daimon is defeated by a pair of mysterious new warriors, leaving the girls to despondently realize that a new conflict has begun. 91 'Crystal Clear Again' 'The Rod of Love Is Born: Usagi's New Transformation' ' Ai no roddo tanjō! Usagi no shin henshin' (愛のロッド誕生!うさぎの新変身) Yūji Endō Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Katsumi Tamegai March 26, 1994 ( 1994-03-26) June 13, 2000 While Mamoru strives to cheer Usagi up after her failure in the previous battle, a young girl is the latest target of the. Due to Usagi's inability to transform, the under-powered Sailor Team struggles to fight off the Daimon and are once again forced to rely on the mysterious two warriors. Once they determine the girl's pure heart is not a talisman, they leave the Sailor Team to fend for themselves. Meanwhile, Tuxedo Mask and Usagi hold hands after the latter's refusal to escape, and through the power of their love, Usagi's disabled Crystal Star brooch transforms into the Cosmic Heart Compact, and she gains the Spiral Heart Moon Rod and, along with it, the ability to transform and defeat the new enemy.

92 'Driving Dangerously' 'A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh's Secret' ' Suteki na bishōnen? Ten'ō Haruka no himitsu' (素敵な美少年?天王はるかの秘密) Kunihiko Ikuhara Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuhisa Asai Hisashi Kagawa April 16, 1994 ( 1994-04-16) June 14, 2000 Avoiding their study group, Usagi and Minako meet Haruka Tenou, an attractive and supposedly male student of a prestigious local school, with whom they both become infatuated. After Minako is defeated in a racing game, Michiru arrives to pick up Haruka, and the two depart with Usagi and Minako soon following behind them. Once Michiru and Haruka separate at a mechanic's shop, Usagi and Minako take this as their chance, and Haruka tells them about 'him'-self until a Daimon arrives to attack Kameda, the shop mechanic. The Daimon starts to escape when Usagi and Minako transform into their Guardian forms to chase it down, when Uranus and Neptune arrive to investigate Kameda's pure heart crystal. When it turns out not to be a talisman they retreat and Sailor Moon defeats the Daimon.

Later, the rest of the girls are at Crown Game Center with Usagi and Minako in hopes of seeing the cute boy they'd told them about; Michiru arrives with a blonde girl, whom Usagi and Minako initially fail to realize is Haruka; once they do, Minako falls to the ground in anguish, and Haruka notes that she'd never said she was male. 93 'Bad Harmony' 'Usagi's Idol: The Graceful Genius Michiru' ' Usagi no akogare! Yūbi no tensai Michiru' (うさぎの憧れ!優美な天才みちる) Hiroki Shibata Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Taichi Nakamura April 23, 1994 ( 1994-04-23) June 15, 2000 When Usagi is concerned that she is not smart enough to be with Mamoru after being scolded by the other girls, she seeks advice from Michiru Kaioh, who suggests that Usagi and Mamoru go to a violin recital.

94 'Swept Off Her Feet' 'Protect the Pure Heart: The Three-Way Battle' ' Pyua na kokoro wo mamore! Teki mikata mittsu tomoe ransen' (純な心を守れ!敵味方三つ巴乱戦) Noriyo Sasaki Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Ikuko Itō April 30, 1994 ( 1994-04-30) June 16, 2000 Usagi's friend, Unazuki, is attacked by a Daimon and has her pure heart crystal stolen.

But when Sailor Moon tries to take the crystal back to Unazuki, Uranus and Neptune attempt to steal it in order to claim the Talisman. 95 'Blinded By Love's Light' 'Let Moon Help With Your Love Problems' ' Koi no otasuke wa Mūn ni omakase' (恋のおたすけはムーンにおまかせ) Harume Kosaka Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Mari Tominaga May 7, 1994 ( 1994-05-07) June 19, 2000 Naru and Umino enter an affection contest in order to prove their strong mutual romantic love for each other, but find themselves targeted by a Daimon.

96 'Lita Borrows Trouble' 'Coldhearted Uranus: Makoto in Danger' ' Reikoku na Uranusu? Makoto no pinchi' (冷酷なウラヌス?まことのピンチ) Kōnosuke Uda Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Masahiro Andō May 14, 1994 ( 1994-05-14) June 20, 2000 Makoto is targeted by a Daimon, but manages to temporarily evade it. Keen to analyze her pure heart crystal, Haruka befriends Makoto in order to get close to her. 97 'Damp Spirits' 'The Labyrinth of Water: Ami Targeted' ' Mizu no rabarinsu! Nerawareta Ami' (水のラビリンス!ねらわれた亜美) Junichi Sato Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai May 21, 1994 ( 1994-05-21) June 21, 2000 Ami's desire to avoid competition leads her to offending Michiru inadvertently in a swimming race, as well as Usagi accidentally hurting Ami's feelings. Meanwhile, a Daimon selects Ami as a target.

98 'Friendly Foes' 'To Save Our Friends: Moon and Uranus Join Forces' ' Tomodachi wo sukue! Mūn Uranusu rengō' (友達を救え!ムーンウラヌス連合) Yūji Endō Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura May 28, 1994 ( 1994-05-28) June 22, 2000 After Sailor Neptune is captured and possibly killed by Kaolinite, Sailor Moon and Sailor Uranus find themselves shackled together and forced to reassess their less-than-friendly attitudes toward each other in order to save Sailor Neptune from further harm. 99 'Mixed Emotions' 'A Man’s Kindness: Yuichiro Heartbroken by Rei' ' Otoko no yasashisa!

Yūichirō Rei ni shitsuren?' (男の優しさ!雄一郎レイに失恋?) Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Yoshiyuki Shikano Shinya Hasegawa June 18, 1994 ( 1994-06-18) June 23, 2000 Worried by Rei's intensive meditation, Yuuichirou becomes concerned that she has fallen deeply head-over-heels in love for another man. When he sees her with Haruka and mistakes her for a man, Yuuichirou is convinced that 'he' is Rei's new romantic suitor. 100 'Individual Happiness' 'I Want to Quit Being a Sailor Guardian: Minako's Dilemma' ' Sērā Senshi wo yametai!? Minako no nayami' (S戦士を辞めたい!?美奈子の悩み) Hiroki Shibata Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Mari Tominaga June 25, 1994 ( 1994-06-25) June 26, 2000 Minako is despondent about her double life of being a Sailor Guardian and a normal girl.

Meanwhile, an old friend of hers, who she once fell in love with, is attacked by a Daimon, and Minako, as Sailor Venus, must use her skills of volleyball to save him. 101 'Birthday Blues, Part 1' 'Usagi in Tears: a Glass Slipper for My Birthday' ' Usagi namida! Tanjōbi ni garasu no kutsu wo' (うさぎ涙!誕生日にガラスの靴を) Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Masahiro Andō July 2, 1994 ( 1994-07-02) June 27, 2000 Usagi is furious when Mamoru forgets her 15th birthday.

When Mamoru buys her an expensive pair of glass slippers to make up for it, he fails to realize that Kaolinite sabotaged the shoes with a Daimon egg to steal her pure heart crystal. To make matters worse, Kaolinite steals Usagi's Cosmic Heart Compact leaving her unable to transform, and Tuxedo Mask gets captured. 102 'Birthday Blues, Part Two' 'The Stolen Pure Heart: Usagi's Crisis' ' Ubawareta pyua na kokoro! Usagi zettai zetsumei' (奪われた純な心!うさぎ絶体絶命) Noriyo Sasaki Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura July 16, 1994 ( 1994-07-16) June 28, 2000 With the Cosmic Heart Compact stolen and Tuxedo Mask kidnapped, Usagi and the four other Sailor Guardians, along with Sailors Uranus and Neptune, go to retake the compact so Usagi can become Sailor Moon again, rescue Tuxedo Mask and face Kaolinite in a final showdown at Tokyo Tower. 103 'Hello, Sailor Mini Moon' 'The Arrival of a Tiny Pretty Guardian' ' Yatte kita chiccha na Bishōjo Senshi' (やって来たちっちゃな美少女戦士) Kunihiko Ikuhara Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Kazuya Kuroda August 6, 1994 ( 1994-08-06) June 29, 2000 Eudial, and the Witches 5 are tasked to take over from Kaolinite's position, in which they target a genius drummer recruited to play at a festival for Rei. The Sailor Guardians cannot defeat the Daimon who attacks her, but Chibiusa arrives as the Guardians' newest ally, Sailor Chibi-Moon. 104 'Tainted Tea Party' 'Making New Friends: Chibi Moon's Adventure' ' Tomodachi wo motomete!

Chibi Mūn no katsuyaku' (友達を求めて!ちびムーンの活躍) Junichi Sato Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Ikuko Itō August 20, 1994 ( 1994-08-20) June 30, 2000 Chibiusa, who has returned from Crystal Tokyo for further training, attempts to adapt to her new home by making friends her age. She tries to befriend a master who does tea ceremonies, only to become the Death Busters' latest target. 105 'People Who Need People' 'I Want Power: Mako Lost in Doubt' ' Pawā ga hoshī! Mako-chan no mayoi michi' (力が欲しい!まこちゃんの迷い道) Hiroki Shibata Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Mari Tominaga August 27, 1994 ( 1994-08-27) July 3, 2000 Makoto is training in the mountains, trying to become much stronger after being easily defeated by a Daimon before. Her trainer is attacked, and tells her that nobody can live alone. She attacks the Daimon, fails, and realizes she needs her best friends in order to win. 106 'Related By Destiny' 'The Bond of Destiny: Uranus's Distant Past' ' Unmei no kizuna!

Uranusu no tōi hi' (運命のきずな!ウラヌスの遠い日) Takuya Igarashi Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai September 3, 1994 ( 1994-09-03) July 4, 2000 Haruka remembers the past when she first met Michiru, who told her that she was destined to become Sailor Uranus. Haruka initially refused that destiny, for she loved her life too much and was afraid of change. Haruka was attacked, and Sailor Neptune was injured while defending her. In her anguish, Haruka took the transformation pen and accepted her destiny as Sailor Uranus, the Sailor Guardian of the Sky. 107 'Art Appreciation' 'Art Is an Explosion of Love: Chibiusa’s First Love' ' Geijutsu wa ai no bakuhatsu! Chibiusa no hatsukoi' (芸術は愛の爆発!ちびうさの初恋) Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Minoru Ōkōchi Taichi Nakamura September 10, 1994 ( 1994-09-10) July 5, 2000 Chibiusa meets a boy named Masanori at her art class and develops a crush on him. Unfortunately, he already has a crush on Michiru, who is taking a class at that school as well.

When a Daimon attacks Masanori, Chibiusa must take a stand to protect him. 108 'Everything's Coming Up Rosey' 'Usagi Dancing to the Waltz' ' Usagi no dansu wa warutsu ni notte' (うさぎのダンスはワルツに乗って) Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Masahiro Andō September 17, 1994 ( 1994-09-17) July 6, 2000 An English gentleman named Edwards invites Mamoru and the girls to a fancy party, where Usagi accidentally becomes drunk and the team is forced to confront a fashionable Eudial and her latest Daimon. 109 'No Turning Back' 'The Shocking Moment: Everyone’s Identities Revealed' ' Shōgeki no toki! Akasareta tagai no shōtai' (衝撃の刻!明かされた互いの正体) Junichi Sato Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Kazuya Kuroda September 24, 1994 ( 1994-09-24) July 7, 2000 Minako becomes jealous that a Daimon has not yet attacked her, and she fears that she does not have a pure heart. After doing as many 'pure' things as she can, she is attacked, and her pure heart is taken from her.

When Eudial nearly gets away, Usagi is forced to reveal her identity to Haruka & Michiru, who in turn, reveal their identities as Sailors Uranus and Neptune to Sailor Moon. 110 'Destiny's Arrival' 'The Death of Uranus and Neptune: The Talisman Appear' ' Uranusu-tachi no shi? Tarisuman shutsugen' (ウラヌス達の死?タリスマン出現) Kunihiko Ikuhara Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Mari Tominaga October 15, 1994 ( 1994-10-15) July 10, 2000 Faced with losing her position at Witches 5, Eudial creates a computer program to find the true owners of the three Talismans, and learns that Haruka and Michiru are the ones who hold two of the Talismans within their own hearts!

They take away Usagi's brooch, and follow Eudial onto a lonely island. However, the invitation turns out to be a trick, and Michiru’s pure heart is taken, which turns into the mystical Deep Aqua Mirror. Haruka, in order to release her own talisman, shoots herself with Eudial's gun.

Her pure heart transforms into the mystical Space Sword. 111 'The Purity Chalice' 'The Holy Grail's Mystical Power: Moon's Double Transformation' ' Seihai no shinpi na chikara!

Mūn nidan henshin' (聖杯の神秘な力!ムーン二段変身) Hiroki Shibata Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Ikuko Itō October 22, 1994 ( 1994-10-22) July 11, 2000 Sailor Pluto appears and reawakens Sailors Uranus and Neptune, and the three talismans resonate with each other (the third and last being Sailor Pluto's Garnet Orb). The Holy Grail appears, and Sailor Moon grabs it and evolves into Super Sailor Moon, who drives Eudial out. Mimete then kills Eudial by sabotaging her car with snails. 112 'Show Stoppers' 'Who is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness' ' Shin no kyūseishu wa dare? Hikari to kage no kaosu' (真の救世主は誰?光と影のカオス) Noriyo Sasaki Shigeru Yanagawa Minoru Ōkōchi Shinya Hasegawa November 5, 1994 ( 1994-11-05) July 12, 2000 The girls end up watching the filming of a movie, where Chibiusa encounters Hotaru, whom she quickly befriends. But in the end, she is revealed to be the 12-year-old daughter of Professor Souichi Tomoe, the possessed leader of the Death Busters.

Super Sailor Moon uses her new 'Rainbow Moon Heartache' attack to defeat the Daimon of the day. 113 'Rini's Risky Friendship' 'A House Filled With Evil Presence: The Beautiful Hotaru’s Secret' ' Yōki tadayou ie! Bishōjo Hotaru no himitsu' (妖気漂う家!美少女ほたるの秘密) Kōnosuke Uda Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura November 12, 1994 ( 1994-11-12) July 13, 2000 The three Outer Guardians appear to Tuxedo Mask, and tell him why they cannot fight alongside Sailor Moon and the other four Sailor Guardians. Usagi and Chibiusa visit Hotaru, and see a woman who looks like Kaolinite. The Messiah of Silence appears demanding pure hearts. 114 'Mimet's Mess' 'I Love Idols: Mimete's Dilemma' ' Aidoru daisuki! Nayameru Mimetto' (アイドル大好き!悩めるミメット) Harume Kosaka Yoji Enokido Yoshiyuki Shikano Masahiro Andō November 19, 1994 ( 1994-11-19) July 14, 2000 Minako and Mimete enter a beauty contest at the same time, with Mimete willing to risk it all to obtain victory.

Both fall short of the needed votes to win the idol position, and Mimete decides to just go back to her evil ways. 115 'The Shadow of Silence' 'Shadow of Silence: The Pale Glimmer of a Firefly' ' Chinmoku no kage!? Awaki Hotaru hi no yurameki' (沈黙の影!?あわき蛍火のゆらめき) Takuya Igarashi Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai November 26, 1994 ( 1994-11-26) July 17, 2000 Hotaru overexerts herself, and is hospitalized, during which her past without friends is shown, and the reasons for it. Meanwhile, Mimete targets a soap opera actor, during which the attacking Daimon runs near Hotaru, who glows and completely freezes the Daimon. 116 'Thorny Weather' 'Sunny Skies After a Storm: A Friendship Dedicated to Hotaru' ' Arashi nochi hare! Hotaru ni sasageru yūjō' (嵐のち晴れ!ほたるに捧げる友情) Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Jouji Yanase December 3, 1994 ( 1994-12-03) July 18, 2000 Mamoru takes Usagi, Chibiusa and Hotaru to a botanical garden that is tended by Yoshiki Kurebayashi, an old classmate of his. While there, Mimete targets Yoshiki's pure heart and causes a storm that puts the plants at risk.

Sailor Moon defeats the accompanying Daimon, U-Bara. 117 'Heightened Hazard' 'Higher and Stronger: A Cheer from Usagi' ' Yori takaku yori tsuyoku! Usagi no ōen' (より高くより強く!うさぎの応援) Kunihiko Ikuhara Shigeru Yanagawa Minoru Ōkōchi Taichi Nakamura December 10, 1994 ( 1994-12-10) July 19, 2000 Hotaru wishes to give a letter to Shun Hayase, a famous athlete. He becomes targeted when she goes to give it to him, and she possessively blasts the enemy with a hugely strong amount of energy. She talks to Shun about being frail and weak, and he thanks her for talking to him. 118 'It's In The Cards' 'The Battle Inside the Demonic Space: The Sailor Guardians' Gamble' ' Makū no tatakai! Sērā Senshi no kake' (魔空の戦い!セーラー戦士の賭け) Noriyo Sasaki Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Masahide Yanagisawa December 17, 1994 ( 1994-12-17) July 20, 2000 Mimete attempts to create a Daimon by herself, throwing the entire Tomoe house into another dimension.

The Guardians enter the dimension and are defeated by a game-master Daimon named U-Ikasaman. Hotaru manages to assist in her defeat by the use of a bluff. 119 'Goodness Eclipsed' 'The Messiah of Silence Awakens? Stars of Destiny' ' Chinmoku no Meshia kakusei?

Unmei no hoshiboshi' (沈黙のメシアの覚せい?運命の星々) Harume Kosaka Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Shinya Hasegawa December 24, 1994 ( 1994-12-24) September 13, 2000 The Sailor Guardians visit a planetarium, where a man is attacked by a Daimon. The symbol of Saturn appears on Hotaru's forehead, and she attacks the Daimon. However, Sailor Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto attack Hotaru, since she is both Sailor Saturn, the Sailor Guardian of Silence, Ruin and Birth, and also possessed by the Messiah of Silence. Super Sailor Moon takes the blow to protect Hotaru. 120 'Next In Line' 'An Invasion from an Another Dimension: Mystery of Infinity Academy' ' Ijigen kara no shinryaku!

Mugen Gakuen no nazo' (異次元からの侵略!無限学園の謎) Kōnosuke Uda Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Katsumi Tamegai January 7, 1995 ( 1995-01-07) July 21, 2000 Chibiusa goes to Hotaru's house to find that Hotaru has disappeared, and is devastated about it. At the same time, the Sailor Guardians investigate Infinity Academy, where Mimete tries one final time to defeat them before Tellu literally pulls the plug on her operation. 121 'Fiendish Ferns' 'A Bewitching Flower That Steals Hearts: Tellu, the Third Witch' ' Kokoro wo ubau yōka! Daisan no majō Teruru' (心を奪う妖花!第三の魔女テルル) Takuya Igarashi Shigeru Yanagawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Taichi Nakamura January 14, 1995 ( 1995-01-14) July 24, 2000 Tellu develops a new plan to steal pure hearts, using a plant bred for that purpose.

Setsuna realizes it is an alien plant made to steal pure hearts, and warns the Sailor Guardians. Tuxedo Mask causes a mutated plant to destroy Tellu, leading to them tracing her back to the mysterious Infinity Academy. 122 'The Science Of Love' 'Believe in Love: Ami, the Kindhearted Guardian' ' Ai wo shinjite! Ami, kokoro yasashiki Senshi' (愛を信じて!亜美心優しき戦士) Yūji Endō Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Hideyuki Motohashi January 21, 1995 ( 1995-01-21) July 25, 2000 Ami investigates the Infinity Academy, where she meets Viluy, the fourth of the Witches 5. Viluy attempts to use her nanorobots to steal pure hearts from entrance exam takers.

But after her battle, her own microscopic robots turn against her, destroying her in the process. 123 'Wake Up Call' 'Shadows of Destruction: the Messiah of Silence Awakens' ' Hametsu no kage! Chinmoku no Meshia no mezame' (破滅の影!沈黙のメシアの目覚め) Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Mari Tominaga January 28, 1995 ( 1995-01-28) July 26, 2000 The last of the Witches 5, Cyprine steals pure hearts from Infinity Academy students, and the Sailor Guardians engage Cyprine, and her alter-ego, Ptilol, in a showdown. Meanwhile, Chibiusa is abducted by the recently resurrected Kaolinite, and her pure heart is stolen by Mistress 9, having taken over Hotaru's body, which allows her to awaken as the Messiah of Silence. 124 'Who's Really Who?'

'The Coming Terror of Darkness: Struggle of the Eight Guardians' ' Semari kuru yami no kyōfu! Kusen no Hassenshi' (迫り来る闇の恐怖!苦戦の8戦士) Takuya Igarashi Yoji Enokido Kazuyuki Hashimoto Ikuko Itō February 4, 1995 ( 1995-02-04) July 28, 2000 Mistress 9 uses all remaining Daimon eggs to create a powerful energized shield of evil minions around Infinity Academy. Sailor Moon is abducted, as she is the holder of the Holy Grail. After witnessing Sailor Pluto ultimately sacrificing herself to save them by using her forbidden ability to stop time, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune destroy Germatoid, the Daimon possessing Professor Souichi Tomoe with their talismans, the Deep Aqua Mirror and the Space Sword. 125 'Darkness, My Old Friend' 'The Shining Shooting Star: Saturn and the Messiah' ' Kagayaku ryūsei! Satān soshite kyūseishu' (輝く流星!サターンそして救世主) Kōnosuke Uda Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Ikuko Itō February 11, 1995 ( 1995-02-11) July 29, 2000 Sailor Moon is tricked into giving Mistress 9 the Holy Grail, which she uses to summon Pharaoh 90 to Earth. Hotaru regains consciousness with the assistance of Sailor Moon and her father, destroying Mistress 9 and fully awakening the spirit of Sailor Saturn within herself at last.

Sailor Saturn herself returns Chibiusa's pure heart crystal, and then appears before Sailor Moon to ultimately sacrifice herself and destroy Pharaoh 90 once and for all with her destructive powers, but Sailor Moon gains the help of the other six Sailor Guardians to become Super Sailor Moon once more, and save both Hotaru and Sailor Saturn, who is reborn as a baby immediately afterward. 126 'Second Chance' 'A New Life: Parting of the Stars of Destiny' ' Atarashiki seimei!

Unmei no hoshiboshi betsuri no toki' (新しき生命!運命の星々別離の時) Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Taichi Nakamura February 18, 1995 ( 1995-02-18) July 30, 2000 Haruka and Michiru give the newly reborn infant Hotaru to a still-healing Professor Souichi Tomoe, who is finally free of the Death Busters. However, they viciously attack Sailor Moon, for she protected Hotaru's body and Sailor Saturn, and risked the whole entire world for one mere life.

The Silver Crystal throws them back, and they kneel to her as their leader and leave the city. 127 'Tough Kindness' 'A Guardian’s Realization: Strength Lies Within a Pure Heart' ' Senshi no Jikaku! Tsuyosa wa Pyua na Kokoro no Naka ni' (戦士の自覚! 強さは純な心の中に) Harume Kosaka Sukehiro Tomita TBA TBA February 25, 1995 ( 1995-02-25) August 1, 2000 Chibiusa returns to the future after receiving a letter from her mother, Neo-Queen Serenity. Meanwhile, a final Daimon emerges from the rubble of Infinity Academy, and Chibiusa returns just in time to help defeat it. Home video releases English DVD United States Pioneer Entertainment (Region 1) Volume Episodes Release date Ref.

Heart Collection I 90-96 (83-89 edited) February 6, 2001 Heart Collection II 97-102 (90-95 edited) April 10, 2001 Heart Collection III 103-108 (96-101 edited) June 12, 2001 Heart Collection IV 109-114 (102-107 edited) August 14, 2001 Heart Collection V 115-120 (108-113 edited) October 9, 2001 Heart Collection VI 121-127 (114-120 edited) November 27, 2001 Sailor Moon S - The Complete Uncut TV Set 90-127 (83-120 edited) July 6, 2004 Viz Media (Region 1) Volume Episodes Release date Ref. Season 3 Part 1 90-108 November 15, 2016 Season 3 Part 2 109-127 June 20, 2017 Australia and New Zealand Madman Entertainment (Region 4) Volume Episodes Release date Ref. Season 3 Part 1 90–108 February 8, 2017 Season 3 Part 2 109–127 August 16, 2017 Complete Series 90–127 May 9, 2018 Blu-ray United States Viz Media (Region A) Volume Episodes Release date Ref. Season 3 Part 1 90-108 November 15, 2016 Season 3 Part 2 109-127 June 20, 2017 Australia and New Zealand Madman Entertainment (Region B) Volume Episodes Release date Ref.

Complete Series 90–127 May 9, 2018 References. Retrieved 25 July 2014. Retrieved 25 July 2014.

Archived from on 2002-02-04. Retrieved 2006-10-15. Retrieved 2007-03-29. Johnson, Dany (2001-04-21). Digital Manga, Inc.

Retrieved 2007-02-21. When I was cast to play Haruka, I asked director Kunihiko Ikuhara, 'Are they gay?'

He answered, 'Act as if they are a married couple.' And I asked him again, 'Married couple? You, mean, with two ladies?' He replied, 'Yes.' So they are husband and wife. Sebert, Paul (2000-06-28). The Daily Athenaeum Interactive.

Archived from on 2008-02-08. Retrieved 2007-02-21. (in Japanese). Archived from on 2010-10-19. Retrieved 2009-07-19. (in Japanese).

Archived from on 2010-10-19. Retrieved 2009-07-19.

^ 'Official list of Sailor Moon episodes'. Sailor Moon Memorial Song Box (CD booklet). Sailor Moon page at Hulu. Retrieved 2016-02-14. ^.

Retrieved December 29, 2018. Retrieved December 29, 2018.

Retrieved December 29, 2018. Retrieved December 29, 2018.

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