One Piece Marineford War

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  3. One Piece Marineford War Full Fight 1 3 English Subbed

Heyo One Piece Amino! My name is Kid and welcome to a mew blog! Its been a while since I posted something so huge, and I'm very very excited for it! This is actually a COLLAB POST with my buds,! Its the first time we've ever done a collab together, and I'm very, very excited as you might be able to tell.

Sep 27, 2014 - Watch One Piece: Summit War (385-516) Episode 511, Unexpected Relanding! Luffy, to Marineford!, on Crunchyroll. Luffy, along with Jimbei.

WAR MARINEFORD ONE PIECE FULL WAR MARINEFORD subscribe: Impel Down- Absolutely awesome, one of my favorite arcs in One Piece. Marineford- I think this arc was amazing. It was unpredictable, intense, and it had me going from sad to happy, to excited, to sad, to relieved, to sad, to excited, and on and on.

We'll be talking about why we think our respective arcs are the greatest, and I got the pleasure of doing Marineford:sunglasses:. I really hope you all enjoy this one, and with that being said, lets get started!:muscle: LINKS:muscle: Why Marineford is the Best Arc Reason 1: Its Purpose.

Now I know I'm not the biggest Ace fan, he's actually one of my least favorite characters, but I do believe the purpose of having a war just for ONE PERSON is something only One Piece can pull off! The entire purpose of this epic war is to save Ace from his execution, and even though it sounds kinda like a waste of time.IT WAS ONE OF THE GREATEST WARS IN ANIME HISTORY SO I AINT COMPLAINING!!:raisedhands:. It also showed the bonds that nakama matter to the characters a hell of a ton, which is a recurring theme in One Piece.

It showed that true nakama will do anything they can to save their nakama if they're in danger!:muscle. I don't know if this was already mentioned somewhere before the actual moment, but Ace being revealed to being the son of Gol D.

Roger definitely added a boat load of tension to the war! This was one of the things about Ace that I liked more than didn't, because it was at this moment when I realized that Ace was more special than just being a member in Whitebeard's crew. For all I knew I thought he was actually the real blood brother of Luffy right before when Sengoku announced it:joy: and this really blew my mind! That's when his value to the Marines made more sense (because to them Roger was the reason they couldnt sleep at night:joy: ) and to the world too! But Luffy's resolve for saving Ace is to me the best part!

Luffy is our main character and he has at least some place in our hearts, and well, at least for me I thought he was doing the same badass shit as always when he arrived! He was already going through hell in another really enjoyable arc, Impel Down, just before.

That arc alone could be one of the best:joy: but Luffy throughout that only had saving Ace on his mind and it is still om his mind in Marineford too! Although it made him dodge a shit ton of fights that we would like to see, Luffy was all doing this to save his brother, and with that he can be considered to be one of Marineford's biggest players! ESPECIALLY when he knocked out those Marines with his Conquerors Haki, boy that was amazing:scream:. Reason 2: The Participants. THE SHICHIBUKAI For one, the SEVEN WARLORDS were all participants in this war!

Hancock, Kuma, Mihawk Doflamingo, Moria, and Blackbeard were there! Ex-warlords, like Crocodile and Jinbe, and even future warlords, like Law and Buggy, were there too! As we all know, the Warlords can be considered as some of the toughest antagonists that Luffy has ever fared against pre-timeskip, and for some even post-timeskip as well. They all have their own domains and go by their own rules, but during the Marineford War they pretty much sided with the World Government. Well, there are exceptions to that:joy: Hancock was protecting Luffy from the opposing Marines, Pacifista, and even Smoker, how many girls do you know can do that:scream::hearteyes:. Doffy for the most part kicked a ton of pirate booty, including Oars Jr (OOOOAAAAAAARRRRRSSS:sob: ) and even controlled Jozu, but he also practically bullied Moria and showed that he was too weak to be a warlord. Blackbeard, oh boy, was responsible for killing THE ONE AND ONLY WHITEBEARD, but it was out of his own interests and then he pretty much flipped off the Marines afterwards:joy:.

Each and every one of the Warlords had their moments that were absolutely mind blowing, and it was because of them that the entire arc was epic through and through! THE ADMIRALS. AW HELL YEAH! We finally get to see all three of the Admirals fighting and it was in this very own arc! Robin really hyped up these three characters since Long Ring Long Land, (I can't believe I remembered that name:joy: ) she even called them the strongest force in the Marines!

Whats really exciting is that we saw Kuzan's strength alone during that time and he mopped the floor with the Strawhats, and not long after (during Sabaody) we saw Kizaru wiping out 4 Supernovas in like 2 minutes, and in this arc we get to see them fight SERIOUSLY! Its mind-blowing and even though it was inevitable for this to happen, its still surreal that it was coming so soon:scream:. The Admirals showed off a ton of their powers and strength and made powerful pirates look like weaklings, both physically and mentally (looking at you Squardo:joy: ).

Aokiji stopped two entire tidal waves in its tracks when Whitebeard sent it off to Marine HQ, now that is a momentous feat:scream:. We all know that he is one of the good Marines, and even spoke out against Akainu a little when he saw his true colors after Whitebeard and Ace died.

Kizaru had tons of troll moments in the war as always, and he can back his trolls up with his insane strength too:muscle:. He went up against Whitebeard's number 2 man Marco and even trolled Whitebeard as well!

And Akainu, who most would consider the main antagonist of Marineford, was a fucking SAVAGE! He fought Whitebeard 1v1 for a good portion of the war, and to direct all the attention of a freaking Yonko to himself, now thats a hell of a strong accomplishment! In the manga he even blew half of ol' Whitebeard's face off! And possibly his greatest W, which broke the hearts of many One Piece fans, was when he killed Ace. That's not all, Sengoku and Garp were there too!

Sengoku was the Fleet Admiral, the one who led the execution and had all the authority when it comes to the Marines! He is considered a legend among the rookies and even had a higher rank than those monsters they call Admirals as well:disappointedrelieved:. On top of that, Sengoku even has one of the rarest and coolest Devil Fruits out there, a mythical Zoan that allows him to transform into a gigantic golden Buddha! It was like nothing I've ever seen before, I didn't even think something that enormous is the extent of his Devil Fruit, now that's really insane:scream:.

Garp shouldn't be slept on as well, he had a crazy role during the entire arc. Throughout the entire arc Garp had to face an inner struggle about whether to side with his family (Ace and Luffy) or do his job, and ultimately, he sided with his job. Although he did send Marco flying and threatened to kill Akainu for what he did:sweatsmile:. We learn later that Garp even refused the Admiral position before, so to us he's very well the strongest Vice Admiral! Anyways yep Akainu was practically the main antagonist of the Marineford Arc if you had to pick one, but the Marines as a whole were the real antagonists. They were amazing throughout the entire arc!

OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY, ITS THE MOTHAFUCKIN MAN HIMSELF! He was the previous Yonko and in my opinion the previous strongest character in One Piece, Whitebeard! I think Whitebeard is one of the strongest and best characters in One Piece! The characters and civilians in One Piece all view him as a monster, someone that can find One Piece easily and then destroy the world!

Tbh I would've been juuuuust satisfied if he got to be Pirate King, seems like a fitting title for him:wink::joy:. It may seem highly exaggerated but Whitebeard here lives up to every single remark I as well as many others made! His death alone signifies the end of the Great Pirate Era, and will forever be known as a legend in years to come! Whitebeard was a Yonko, or one of the four emperors of the New World! He was widely recognized as the Strongest Man in the World before his death and was good friends with the late Pirate King Gol D. This lead to people saying he was the closest to One Piece!

Whitebeard did say One Piece existed, so he probably got to at least see it! His reign on the sea, reputation and foreboding power made him seemingly overconfident and fearless. Whitebeard believed that it is fine when a man decides what to make of his life if he does not live to regret it, which is something I believe too actually! Whitebeard is also my favorite overall Yonko and is my 6th favorite character, he is a freakin beast! Even though his death would be ages ago by the time One Piece ends, he will still be a very important influence on most of the characters, and the One Piece fanbase as well!

Whitebeard's devil fruit, the Gura Gura no Mi, is a Paramecia and now belongs to Blackbeard for an unknown reason! It was widely recognized as the devil fruit that CAN DESTROY THE WORLD! With this Devil Fruit, Whitebeard can crack the air as if it was glass and the result destroys anything standing before it.

It can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, and serious damage to the environment and people if they're caught in it! I can't see a way to dodge this devil fruit, THERE’S NO ESCAPE. Whitebeard most likely MASTERED this fruit!! This is just a part on the epic strength of Whitebeard, the Strongest Man in the World! Whitebeard also has all three types of Haki, and can probably kick someone like Akainu’s ass with just that you know!

Man oh man, Whitebeard is just TOO DAMN STRONG of a character, it would seem fitting how a whole damn war would be enough to take him out! To think he can do all this and MORE in his prime I got nothin more to say, holy shit:scream::scream: MONKEY D. Luffy had a huge role in the Marineford Arc, even with his puny strength at the time compared to the big shots that I already mentioned!

He even got a 100 million berry bounty increase for all he has done during the war, and even after it when he returned to Marineford too. All that was on Luffy's mind throughout the entire thing was just to save his brother Ace, and Luffy took things up to a whole new level when it comes to his drive of saving a friend, or in this case, a brother!! He came prepared too with tons of prisoners from Impel Down and they definitely did help. Crocodile saved Luffy's behind from Akainu, Ivankov gave him one of those insane needles so he could get the strength to keep fighting, and Jinbe.Jinbe saved Luffy from Akainu AND set up what was one of the most BADASS moments Luffy has ever had. Luffy vs Three Admirals (Full) -Which was when he stood against the THREE ADMIRALS:scream::scream:.

THIS MOMENT WAS AMAZING!! Jinbe flung Luffy over Oars Jr. (OAAAAARRRRRSSSSSS:sob: ) and once again we see how spectacular Luffy can be, as he is launched over practically the entire war and was faced with such insane opponents!

Everyone was sitting in shock at how Luffy can pull off these things AGAIN! Even the Admirals were praising him, Aokiji: 'Arara. You finally made it here.' Akainu: 'Quite an entrance, son of Dragon.' Kizaru: 'This youngster sure is scary.' Obviously Kizaru was trolling a bit, because as Aokiji said later Luffy is way too weak to fight he Admirals:joy:.

Even so, he tried to dart past them, but still couldnt beat Kizaru's speed of light:disappointedrelieved:. Still though, even if it was a fail, as we see Luffy slowly getting up after he landed, you can feel the hype in that moment:fire:. Reactions to Luffy's Conqueror Haki by Whitebeard Pirates and Marines at Marineford And the next moment, which should be a no brainer Adefinitely is a huuuuugs amazing moment for us all, is when Luffy used Conqueror's Haki on practically all of Marineford just as Ace was about to be killed.

Luffy once again showed everybody what he's made of, you can even see shocked expressions on tons of characters! He even knocked out countless Marines too, even the executioners who were about to kill Ace, just in the nick of time:sunglasses:. This moment was so insane, I think it could be even MORE epic than when he went up against the Admirals, its a matter of opinion though. But what's a fact is that Luffy once again shocked the world and hyped up all the people who were watching:raisedhands:. Last, but not least. SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- SHANKS! He caught us all off guard when he arrived in the war!

Right after preventing Kaido from arriving to the war himself, Shanks showed up right after the death of Whitebeard and ended the war right then and there. One of the coolest scenes though is when he stopped Akainu from killing Coby, who was brave enough to tell the guy to stop fighting as it was meaningless:triumph::muscle:. Hell, being saved by Shanks is like practically forshadowing for characters who would eventually change the world, I mean, look at Luffy:joy:.

But the most epic thing is that NOBODY would expect Shanks to arrive at the war, no one! And boy were we glad to see him:smirk:. Like I said before, on top of Shanks' definitely unexpected but badass arrival, he came to stop the entire war altogether! And it was in a good way too! Shanks is a freaking Yonko that arrived into the war, nobody in their right mind would even consider fighting them! Well, except for Akainu, but still, just shows how badass Shanks can be:sunglasses:.

Too bad we didn't get to see him fight, but the good thing though is that Luffy didn't actually get to see him again, he can't give back that strawhat man we love that thing:disappointedrelieved:. It was good seeing the entire crew all grown up again too! When Kizaru said he ain't got the time to fight Ben Beckman, damn that was epic:smilingimp:.

One Piece Marineford War Episode

I was really bummed that no one wanted to fight Shanks though, now he's keeping his powers hidden for god knows how much longer, like a true badass:sob:. Reason 3: It's a god damn WAR. Oda definitely pulled things off right when Marineford was classified as an actual WAR. Well, it was just a war for in reality like one day:joy: but still it was a crazy huge battle and all of the elements of a war were clearly in it! For one, there's obviously a ton of violence and not much story:sunglasses::joy:. If there was any story, you would see it through the character's actions, such as when Luffy showed up against the 3 admirals and when Garp hesitated and let Luffy go save Ace.

The ton of violence made this arc extremely epic, hell Whitebeard could have told the entire story of the war with just his scars alone! It sucks that he's dead, man he was one of my favorite characters:sob:.

Anyway we learned a ton about a ton of extremely strong characters' powers and how they use them, definitely a rewatchable arc already just because of this reason! For seconds, it was clear which sides were fighting against which. The Marines pretty much had the number advantage since it was their HQ, and they called in multiple Vice Admirals, mutliple captains, like Smoker, and even the damn Admirals and Fleet Admiral himself! They also required help from all of the remaining active Shichibukai members, even Hancock as well:scream:. The Whitebeard pirates were already a hellishly gigantic crew as well, having SIXTEEN DIVISIONS HOLY SHIT:joy:, along with the miscellaneous allied crews from the New World as well! Whitebeard based off his crew alone can definitely be proven as a Yonko, and he's even got some tough commanders that can fare against Admirals and Warlords themselves, like Marco and Jozu:scream:. And well, on Whitebeard's side they also had Luffy, he counts for like 100 men anyways:joy:.


But possibly the most interesting thing about the Marineford War is that it had all of the crazy bad things about war along with it. When Admiral Akainu deceived Squard into thinking that Whitebeard was plotting to betray all of his subordinate crews, that showed how decieving can almost ruin an entire war effort:disappointedrelieved:. Moments like when Hancock fought against tons of Marine forces and even gave the key to Ace's cuffs just for Luffy, and when Blackbeard killed Whitebeard so that he would obtain his devil fruit power and later his Yonko status, this showed how people, no matter what side, would tend to put their own interests higher than what their higher-ups tell them what to do. When Akainu killed a Marine for wanting to go home back to his family, it showed how there can be a punishment of death from trying to ditch the entire war on your own:dizzyface:.


And last, but not least, when Coby told Akainu to stop fighting because it was meaningless violence, it showed how many lives were lost during the war, no matter how significant the person was or not. All of these factors about how insanely cruel a war can be is epic in its own way, it definitely adds a realism factor to the war.

One Piece Marineford War Full Online Free

That is all for this blog everybody, thank you so much for reading! Its been a while since I created such a huge blog, and I had so much fun writing it so I might do this more often again! I'd like to thank Diamond for creating this idea and allowing me to partake in such a badass collab, and I can't wait to see his blog along with Rosi and Wasif's! I used to think Enies Lobby was the greatest arc, until I actually rewatched Marineford recently, and well, that damn well took the cake for sure, it was epic and nothing less:sunglasses:. I hope you agree with me that these are the reasons why Marineford is the greatest god damn arc of One Piece yet, and if you haven't, then I hope I can possibly change your mind:scream:.

If there is any reason you like that I haven't mentioned in this blog, please, lemme know in the comments below! Rewatch Marineford when you can, if you want to have a really good time with life for a bit:joy:. Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed this one, and I'll see you soon:satisfied::wave:.

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One Piece Marineford War Full Fight 1 3 English Subbed

I DISCLAIM ALL RIGHT AND OWNERSHIP FOR THE CONTENT. ALL RIGHTS GO TO EIICHIRO ODA AND TOEI. I DO NOT OWN ONE PIECE. One Piece Episode 478/479 Haoshoku Haki by Luffy at Marineford Reactions of Sengoku the Bhudda, Aojiki, Akainu, Kizaru, Garp, Marco, Ace and Whitebeard Whitebeard impressed and shocked Marine Admirals shocked Epic Reactions.

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