Getting To The Taj Mahal


That's exactly the way I did it. Works perfectly. The train you should take from Delhi to and back is the (the chair car is pretty comfy).

  1. Getting From Delhi To The Taj Mahal
  2. Images Of The Taj Mahal

Leaves at 6.15 a.m. And gets to Agra at about 8.30 or so. You have all day and then you get the same train on its return journey.

Getting From Delhi To The Taj Mahal

Taj mahal virtual tour

When you go to the Taj, you'll be pretty overwhelmed with beauty, here are 13 tips for Taj Mahal visit that will help you get the most from your time!


Leaves Agra at about 7 or so in the evening. Train numbers 2001 and 2002.

Images Of The Taj Mahal

For e-tickets, go to Incidentally, apart from the obvious, the other monument worth a visit is the Agra Fort. I found that fascinating as well. If you take the 6:15 a.m. Shatabdi to, you will be there at 8:15 and you will be able to see the Taj by say 11:30 a.m. Then lunch at Agra and you can leave by 12:30 p.m. You will be able to reach Delhi airport for certain by 7:00 p.m.

Travel to taj mahal india

(accounting for evening traffic). So the earliest flight you can take should be something that departs Delhi at 8:00 p.m. I don't particularly like this doesn't give you any leeway or margin, and you will reach your hotel in by 11 p.m. Making it a marathon 17 hour day - all of it travelling, except for only 2 hours of sightseeing. What's the point of subjecting yourself to that?

Might as well see Agra Fort (a UNESCO World Heritage Monument) and then drive back to Delhi in a more relaxed manner. Delhi itself is a capital rich in history, with so many landmarks and monuments to see. If you have been to Athens, Delhi is like the Athens of, it is filled with historical and architectural treasures. You might as well see those and then fly to Mumbai on Sunday.

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