Bsc Classification


The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is the result of continuous efforts in mathematical analysis for the elucidation of the kinetics and dynamics of the drug process in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) for NDA (New Drug Application) and ANDA (Abbreviated.

Ne 47 caffeine citrate Cafcit 1,3 48 calcitriol Rocaltrol 2,4 49 candesartan cilexetil Atacand 2 50 captopril Capoten 3 51 carbamazepine Tegretol 2 52 carbidopa/levodopa Sinemet 1/3 53 carisoprodol Soma 2/4 54 cefaclor Ceclor 3 55 cefadroxil Duricef 3 56 cefdinir Omnicef 4 57 cefixime Suprax (Discontinued) 4 58 cefprozil Cefzil 3 59 ceftibuten Cedax? 60 cefuroxime axetil Ceftin 4 61 celecoxib Celebrex 2 62 cephalexin Keflex 4 63 cetirizine HCl Zyrtec 1,3 64 cetirizine/pseudoephedrine Cetiri-D 1/3 65 chlorhexidine Peridex? 66 chloroquine phosphate Aralen 1 67 chlorothiazide Diuril 4 68 chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone Tussionex 1/? 69 ciprofloxacin HCl Cipro 3 70 ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone Ciprodex 3/1,3 71 clarithromycin Biaxin 4 72 clindamycin Cleocin 1 73 clobetasol Temovate? 74 clonazepam Klonopin? 75 clonidine hcl Catapres 1 (LogP), 3 (CLogP) 76 clopidogrel bisulfate Plavix 2 77 clorazepate dipotassium Tranxene? 78 clotrimazole/betamethasone Lotrisone 2/2 79 codeine phosphate Tylenol w/Codeine 3 80 codeine phosphate/guaifenesin Mytussin AC 3/?

Bcs class 2 drug
  • The British Undergraduate Degree Classification System is a grading scheme for undergraduate degrees (bachelor's degrees and integrated master's degrees) in the UK. It has been applied in other countries, with slight variations.
  • The Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) is an experimental model that measures permeability and solubility under prescribed conditions. The original purpose of the system was to aid in the regulation of post-approval changes and generics, providing approvals based solely on in vitro data when appropriate.

81 colchicine Colcrys 3 82 colesevelam HCl Welchol? 83 cortisone acetate Cortone? 84 cyclobenzaprine Amrix 1 85 cyclophosphamide Cytoxan 1,3 86 cyclosporine Neoral/Sandimmune 2,3,4 87 dantrolene Dantrium? 88 dapsone Daspone 4,2 89 desloratadine Clarinex 1 90 desmopressin Desmopressin? 91 desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol Mircette?/1 92 dexamethasone Decadron 1 (CLogP), 3 (LogP) 93 dexmethylphenidate Focalin?

Bsc Classification Of Drugs

94 dexmethylphenidate Focalin XR? 95 diazepam Valium 1 96 diazoxide Proglycem?

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